As this year is closer to its final laps, I began analyzing my expectations towards it and what it came to be. And thinking about how I lived, made me realize how much I've grown. Why not celebrate it with a big list?
I became an emotional wedding guest, aka I cry at weddings. It doesn't matter if I'm friends with the bride and groom or not. To hear the vows, the story, the environment, everything makes me over-sentimental.
Mornings are my best time; something about the feeling of a fresh start involves me. The light is prettier, silent, and calm; from there, you can turn your day in any direction you want.
I am more open to giving a chance to foods I highly dislike: everything but cucumber.
I take pictures of anything every day. My album has 70k photos. *crazy alert!
Patience is within me. This is something I never thought I would achieve. (you go, girl!)
Anxiety crisis are real.
Living far from my family is not cool as it was in my early 20s. The feeling of freedom I felt was washed away by longing.
My cravings became saltier. I always had (and still have) a sweet tooth, but now I crave a specific plate or sandwich now and then. (no, it's not pregnancy)
I appreciate my friends more than ever. And my family too. To share your life with people you care and love is very special.
I'm still learning the power of saying no to people and more yes to myself.
Women are the center of the world.
Expectations are part of my life, and it's ok. I prefer to be intense than to be numb. The consequences are also mine.
Being great in arguments doesn't mean being the one that talks more.
Alone time will always be necessary for my existence.
To have difficult conversations is fulfilling and necessary.
Don't forget to breathe.
Sleep becomes more challenging with age.
Food is the center of my trips and the best way to know a place/culture.
The comfort zone is as good as adrenaline.
Routine is necessary to keep me sane and grounded.
Exercising is essential for your brain and body. Laziness is not cute.
I have a great ability in communication, but it's also consuming.
Overthink is part of my nature, and I can't deny it.
Nobody deals well with rejection. It's part of human nature.
Everybody has an ego; some hide better than others.
Love is saying yes every day, even when you don't feel like it.
Transparent communication is the key to navigating through life. Nobody is in each other's head; if you don't communicate your needs, no one will figure it out, even if they really know you.
To say what you want/expect is hotter than playing games.
People will always have something to say or add. You are the one who needs to know what you want to take from that conversation or opinion.
Everyone feels depressed every now and then, and it's ok.
I learned to embrace my body in every phase of my year as I am in constant change.
To change is part of evolving—body, soul and mind. Always.
What changes do you love about yourself? Share it in comments. Sharing is caring!
🟠 #INTERNETFINDS: weekly things worth sharing and consuming 🧠
Why People Are Industry Hopping ➞ This mass movement tells us a lot about how people view their jobs. 48% of those who quit their job in the past two years have moved to a different sector.
Gen Z Is Showing Off Their Natural Noses ➞ After the plastic surgery boom during the pandemic, "big noses” are about to become more commonly embraced due to social media being oversaturated with conventionally beautiful ones.
Favorite Podcast of The Week ➞ Why does our inability to forgive ourselves for wrong decisions keep us in bad situations? – We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle.
What Happens After TikTok Songs Go Viral ➞ The app is completely revolutionizing the way record labels work and giving artists more leverage than ever.
Rihanna - Lift Me Up ➞ Little miss sunshine is back to lift up our #friday.
Give your growth time.